By Jean-Charles Poullain

January 27, 2024

Translated from French

France is the most nuclearized country in the world. While this title allowed the 52.6 million inhabitants to benefit from “cheap” electricity for several decades, the recent and upcoming price increases as well as the end of regulated tariffs contradict this statement for the 67.5 million French people of 2024. Most of our power plants, launched in 1974 as part of the Messmer plan, need to retire after exceeding the lifespan of their original specifications by 10-20 years. Despite the programming of six additional EPRs, national energy self-sufficiency is jeopardized by 15 million additional consumers and individual needs that have continued to increase, despite incentives to the contrary: smartphones, computers, tablets, etc. In reality, since 1974, the average French person’s consumption has almost doubled: +75%. In summary, more people are consuming more electricity. But that’s not all, as the announced end of thermal engines for environmental reasons promotes the advent of all-electric and to a lesser extent, hydrogen-powered vehicles. What will happen when 10, 20, 30, 40% of our cars are powered by electric engines? If we consider a French fleet of 38 million cars in 2023 with only 10% electric vehicles, with a mileage of 10,000km/year and a consumption of 17kWh/100km, this represents a new demand of 7.9 billion kWh, equivalent to the production of either 1200-1300 wind turbines, 3000 hectares of solar panels, or ¾ of a new generation EPR reactor. Is hydrogen the ideal candidate to replace hydrocarbons? In theory, yes, but only if it is produced correctly, since 99% of the world’s hydrogen production comes from hydrocarbons it is supposed to replace. What about green hydrogen? Produced from renewable energies used to separate oxygen molecules, an electric engine powered by a fuel cell requires about 1kg of green hydrogen for 100km, which will require 45-50kWh to electrolyze distilled water. Why can’t we reduce both electricity bills and carbon emissions at the same time? The challenge is daunting! Although we do not claim to solve it, the use of nanogalvanized aluminum powder produced by HYDROLOGIS in Europe helps to reduce this trend by producing hydrogen and energy in the form of heat with no carbon emissions and a negligible amount of electricity, replacing heavy fuel oil and natural gas.

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